Curve Light


Créez une expérience de paiement digitale : envoyez tout simplement vos invitations de paiement par e-mail. Rapide, infaillible et sûr.

Easily send an email with a payment request, in the corporate style, to all customers.

Every year, Mail to Pay sends millions of emails with payment requests for leading organisations in Belgium and the Netherlands. Make use of this experience by making the switch to digital and letting your customers experience the convenience of digital payments.

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Mail to Pay is invisible for the customer. All communication is sent from your organisation, in your corporate style.

Faster payments

The responsive email, in your corporate style, as well as the high deliverability, contribute to faster payments.


Add a payment button to an email and allow your customers to pay outstanding payments directly from their inbox.

Perfect on any screen
At Mail to Pay we ensure that your emails always appear perfectly on the screen of your customers. Whether it's on their mobile, tablet, laptop or PC screen. We extensively test an email template on technique, design, and usability. For example, we test each template on dozens of devices and email clients.

Add buttons
With a payment button in your email you enable your customers to instantly manage their outstanding payments. But there's more to it. You can add buttons to enable a customer to pay in instalments, as well as send them to a self-service channel like the client portal. Or to a page where objections can be handled.

The links in the emails you send via Mail to Pay refer to your own website or domain. No third-party URLs in the payment process. Your customer knows exactly from whom he gets the email and to whom he pays. That creates trust.

The emails you send with Mail to Pay contain a security check. This is done using link validation, a link to a page on which the recipient of the e-mail can validate the sender. Because of this link validation, the e-mail is difficult to copy for phishing, for example.

Every year Mail to Pay sends millions of emails for leading organisations in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Logo Client Engie Wit
Logo Client Nn Wit
Logo Client Mijn Domein Wit
Logo Client Vgz Wit