Curve Light

Case Reporting

Obtenez tout l’historique client en un clic.Grâce au Case Reporting, vous voyez directement les principales données de votre débiteur telles que : les factures payées et impayées, les invitations de paiement et messages déjà envoyés, les messages futurs, les flux, les tâches en cours et bien plus encore.

The entire customer history at the click of the mouse.

Gain direct insight into the debtor's most important data, such as: accounts paid and outstanding, payment requests and sent messages, as well as future messages, flows, open tasks and much more.

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Centralised data

Gather all data in a concise overview and gain access to extensive reports.


Avoid unnecessary switching between different systems. With Case reporting the entire customer history can be reached with a simple click.

Customer friendly

Gain direct insight into customer-specific cases and offer the customer the best possible service.

Everything from individual insights to extensive, show-stopping reports.

With Mail to Pay Case Reporting you can easily generate extensive reports of both individuals and multiple debt collection cases. These reports include the possibility to compare templates and flow performance, allowing you to create comprehensive reports. Steal the show in every management meeting! Additionally, the system doubles as an electronic archive for all your sent messages.

Every month, Mail to Pay helps leading companies to gain an insight into their customer history.

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